Business Indeed

I’ve got ISK; I’ve got a sweet pad at Jita 4-4; I’ve got a pimped out Atron with shiny rims and a hold full of exotic dancers, and now I’ve got a hyperlink page to bleat my wisdom to the masses. I am, I have to admit, a pretty awesome guy.

At the moment Ghenna just has me working as the public face of this site like I’m some kind of alt. I’ll be operating the twitter thing, posting some guides here and there and maybe the occasional Market Kill Mail.


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About Rhys Thoth

Gallente entrepreneur, media playboy, information broker and general busy-body. Rhys occupies his time experiencing the finer things in New Eden when he isn't busy managing his market portfolio. Despite his general distaste for the Caldari state, he resides primarily at Jita 4-4.