Red is the new black…

I spent the greater part of yesterday wandering about Essence and Sinq Liason collecting corporate deliveries and ferrying them to their appropirae locations for sale, production, or whatever other purpose they were intended for. The journey was long, but mostly uneventful, which got me thinking about how things have changed since my last jaunt as a pod pilot.

When I began my career as a capusleer the universe was a dangerous place. The high-sec/low-sec distinction was pretty blurry and null-sec, though as dangerous as it is now, was largely unpopulated. If I had been cruising about in a frigate, 40mil in deliveries in my hold in those days I would have probably been screwed. I’d learned my lesson early, having a Bestower laden with trade goods instantly melted under the guns of a m0o cruiser (with a few too many heatsinks) in a .8 system. Sure, CONCORD came along, but they just shot the police and went about their business.

Things are safer now, high-sec is relatively peaceful so long as you’re not under a wardec. Low-sec, however, particularly those areas bordering high-sec have become a writhing den of villainy and opportunists. I considered this as I set my executioner, pushing 4km per second on a course to Old Man Star to pick up some corporate deliveries.

I’d been cruising around low-sec for nearly an hour without any problems. There had been a Griffin at the gate to Yvangier that made a feeble attempt to target my ship before it blazed out of range and into warp. They’d trailed me for a few systems before either loosing the scent or giving up. Arriving in Old Man Star, things changed for the worse. Apparently every pirate in the region had decided that today was the day to hang out here. I jumped to a safespot and did a quick scan of the station I was going to and my exit gate to Villore. The station was clean but the gate was camped. I mean really camped. Three battleships and a swarm of interceptors.

I considered my options, I could probably make the jump safely, assuming the battleships weren’t sitting on it with bombs, which they probably were. In the end I decided against testing fate and went back to high-sec via Heydelies, deposited my collected deliveries into my Bestower and made the rest of my rounds, recanting my tale to other haulers cruising around the region. People are terrified of low-sec, and I wanted to reassure them that it really wasn’t that bad if you keep your wits about you and don’t do anything stupid.

“How do you use the directional scanner?” came over my com after I’d finished my story. It was a valid question, just not one I’d expect a seasoned capsuleer to ask. I explained it as best I could and finished up the day’s chores. High-sec space is generally safe, much safer than I remembered, and as always there is great money to be made there. With safety comes complacency, however, and I could suddenly see why low-sec was considered such a dangerous place.

I say to every high-sec pilot. Get a cheap ship, update your clone, fly out into low-sec and practice not getting shot. Better yet, practice shooting back. With some notable exceptions many of the pirates out there blowing your Iteron to dust are banking on your inexperience and hesitation. Make them earn their keep.

Who knows, they might even respect you for it.

Hello to the Community

CrazyKinux over at CrazyKinux’s Musings has added Ripe Lacunae to the Eve Player Blogroll and offered me hearty welcome to the EVE blogging community. The community is what I love most about EVE. Coming back after several years of playing other MMOs has really driven that point home for me.

Thank you CrazyKinux for your welcome to the blogging community, and everyone else who has made my re-entry into the EVE culture rewarding and exciting.


Past & Future (Eve Blog Banter 7)

This is a very new blog, so this will be my first installment in the monthly extravaganza that is EVE Blog Banter. Hopefully the first of many to come.

Welcome to the seventh installment of the EVE Blog Banter , the monthly EVE Online blogging extravaganza created by CrazyKinux. The EVE Blog Banter involves an enthusiastic group of gaming bloggers, a common topic within the realm of EVE Online, and a week to post articles pertaining to the said topic. The resulting articles can either be short or quite extensive, either funny or dead serious, but are always a great fun to read! Any questions about the EVE Blog Banter should be directed here. Check out other EVE Blog Banter articles at the bottom of this post!

This month’s topic comes to us from CrazyKinux himself, and he asks: “What 3 things haven’t you done in EVE and why? Would you be willing to try one day? Why so? Why not?”

The furrier sat in a red velvet chair next the the fireplace. It was smoking an old-fashioned tobacco pipe, and wearing an evening jacket. As I approached it looked up at me, and adjusted it’s monacle, “Ahh, Ghenna I’ve been expecting you. Sorry we had to move the place, hope it wasn’t too much trouble to find. It’s those damned Gallente script kiddies…” As he droned on I remembered how much I hated the hypernet.

Everyone knew him as fuzzy, but whatever he was, he wasn’t a furrier. Most thought he was some rogue AI, others that he was just a bored Gallente scientist somewhere in the universe. All that mattered is that he was a master of infomorph psychology, and was very good at his job.

“So, still having memory troubles are we? Yes, well that’s normal given the state of you. Let’s go easy today, yes? Just an easy exercise, yes? Let’s you tell me three things that you’ve never done. Go on,” and he sat back in the chair. I was receiving psychotherapy from a furrier with a monacle, I thought. I swallowed the irony and began.

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